Steps to becoming a Bon Secours Sister
Pre candidates meet regularly with a spiritual director and with the vocation directoress. .JPG)
The vocation directress is the contact person who ‘walks’ with the woman who is discerning a vocation. Everyone experiences some anxiety or confusion as they discern God’s will.
The vocation directress is the initial link to the Congregation who will answer your questions and help you to focus on the steps you are to take in discerning what your vocation might be.
The pre candidates then are invited to visit and pray with sisters and learn about the charism of Bon Secours. This phase lasts from six to twelve months and culminates with the formal entrance application and process.
During the six to twelve month period as a candidate for religious life with Bon Secours, you live, work and pray with a local community, participating in Bon Secours spirituality, traditions, values and mission.
During the two year novitiate, time is set aside for formal study of Bon Secours charism , spirituality, mission and history. You deepen your faith life, grow in self-knowledge, study our way of life, and learn how to live in community.
When you take temporary vows, you live a life of prayer and active contribution for between three and six years in community as a sister of Bon Secours, after which – if it is right for you and the congregation – you take permanent vows.
If you would like more information please contact us by email or you can also contact us through our Facebook page
We can:
- Arrange for you to visit a Bon Secours community, to see how we live.
- Invite you to a Vocation Awareness Weekend.
- Inform you of other resources on religious life and Bon Secours.
Pre candidates meet regularly with a spiritual director and with the vocation directoress.
The vocation directress is the contact person who ‘walks’ with the woman who is discerning a vocation. Everyone experiences some anxiety or confusion as they discern God’s will.
The vocation directress is the initial link to the Congregation who will answer your questions and help you to focus on the steps you are to take in discerning what your vocation might be.
The pre candidates then are invited to visit and pray with sisters and learn about the charism of Bon Secours. This phase lasts from six to twelve months and culminates with the formal entrance application and process.
During the six to twelve month period as a candidate for religious life with Bon Secours, you live, work and pray with a local community, participating in Bon Secours spirituality, traditions, values and mission.
During the two year novitiate, time is set aside for formal study of Bon Secours charism , spirituality, mission and history. You deepen your faith life, grow in self-knowledge, study our way of life, and learn how to live in community.
When you take temporary vows, you live a life of prayer and active contribution for between three and six years in community as a sister of Bon Secours, after which – if it is right for you and the congregation – you take permanent vows.
If you would like more information please contact us by email or you can also contact us through our Facebook page
We can:
- Arrange for you to visit a Bon Secours community, to see how we live.
- Invite you to a Vocation Awareness Weekend.
- Inform you of other resources on religious life and Bon Secours.